Name: Davis Sex: Male Age: 12 Digi-Eggs: Courage, Friendship David is the kind of person to jump into things without thinking, or consulting his fellow digi-destined. He shares a special bond with Ken, that enables their two digimon to DNA Digivolve.
Name: Ken Ichijouji Sex: Male Age: 12 Digi-Egg: none Ken was the Digimon emperor for a while in season 2. He was always one of the digi-destined, but didn't know that it was all real. So he saw it as a computer game to be dominated. Once he was made to realize that the digital world was a real place, he became really nice.
Name: Cody Sex: Male Age: 9 Digi-Egg: Knowledge Cody plays kendo, and likes spending time with his grandpa. His dad was a police man, and was killed some time ago. He is the quiete one.
Name: Kari Kamiya Sex: Female Age: 11 Digi-Egg: Light Kari has a refreshing personality. She's nice, listens to common sense, and is always thinking about everyone when things get rough.
Name: TK Takaishi Sex: Male Age: 11 Digi-Egg: Hope TK is no longer the baby of the team, although he has some issues with Patamon getting deleted, because Patamon was deleted during the battle against Devimon in season one.
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